Healthy Alternatives Wellness Center
Take Charge of Your Life. Take Back Your Health Naturally
Carol Morissette, LMT is the owner of Healthy Alternatives Wellness Center and is a pioneer in Sound Healing & certified in Sound Healing. H.A.W.C. specializes in holistic energy treatments for stress reduction to promote greater health and well being. She focuses on individuals with chronic pain, fibromyalgia, chemical sensitivity, depression and anxiety. She offers a variety of energy therapy services for body, mind & spirit to enhance your wellness journey. Reiki Master Instructor Carol Scheg-Morissette has been teaching Reiki energy healing to students since 2009. Morissette is a Reiki Master/Teacher of Usui, Johrei, Karuna, Seichim, & Kundalini Reiki. Carol is a Integrated Energy Therapy Master Instructor and has been practicing IET since 2009 and has been a Master Instructor Teacher since 2017. Certified in Sound Energy Healing since 2016 and teaches Sound Healing. Carol has been in business for over 20 years.
Energetic Healing & Spiritual Guidance
Sound Healing................................................................Vibrational Reiki Energy Healing
Integrated Energy Therapy.......................................... Salt Therapy for Respiratory Healing
Pain Free Allergy Clearings.............................................. Ionic Foot Detox
Thermal Therapy......................... Guided Meditation
Sound Baths................ Aromatherapy
CranioSacral.......... yoga
We have a small crystal gift shop and also sell Kombucha for digestive health.
H.A.W.C. offers support groups for parents with grief, & an addictions support group, Sound School, intro to plant-based nutrition, mindful eating workshop, journaling meditation, vision board, aromatherapy, and children's mommy and me meditation, fairy class, humming, drumming and mindfulness, and Beach baby day. We teach people to breathe and promote breath work.
4358 Culver Rd, Rochester, NY 14622
(Located in Seabreeze, Town of Irondequoit)
Gift Certificates are Available
Our mission is to promote holistic wellness and encourage healthy alternatives for your mind, body and spirit. For years I suffered numerous health conditions until I discovered I could take back my health naturally. Now, I want to help others in their journey to improve their health. Healthy Alternatives is a chemical free environment. Please do not wear perfumes scented lotions or smoke before your appointment.
Services offered by Carol Scheg-Morissette, LMT, RMT, CST (585) 663-6454
Vibration can help restore regulatory function to a body out of tune and helps to maintain as well as enhance regulatory function to a body in tune.

- Promotes flow of energy or QI
- Relaxes muscle tension
- Balance adrenals
- Promotes sleeps
- Reduces stress, anxiety, & joint pain.
- Relieves strained muscles, migraines & sinuses.
- Increase bone density
- Lower blood pressure.
Sound Healing Session - During a individual Sound Healing Session you will be fully clothed on a massage table and will receive Chakra Balancing with Sound and Vibration. It is massage at the molecular level. Energy creates vibrations which assist in the healing process. The sound emanating from the crystal singing bowls affects our frequency. It can reduce stress, anxiety, sinuses, and lower blood pressure
Carol Morissette is the only licensed massage therapist in Western New York to be certified in vibrational sound massage. Morissette completed her certification in Vibrational Sound Massage in May 2016 through the Vibrational Sound Association at Union College in Lincoln, Nebraska.
Vibrational sound massage is a method of deep relaxation that can relieve stress and improve emotional well-being. Vibrational sound massage (VSM) combines powerful vibration and tones to induce immediate relaxation.
VSM has advantages over traditional massage. The client remains fully clothed and physical contact is kept to a minimum. It is less physically intrusive and will not leave the client feeling sore the next day. It is very beneficial for clients with fibromyalgia, arthritis, MS, geriatric, or recovering from cancer.
During VSM the body will absorb waves of vibration into its tissue, allowing the body to relax & repair itself instead of responding to outside concerns. Like meditation, VSM helps us be internally aware, while being more present in the moment and more connected with our surroundings. VSM takes you right into the Theta & Delta brainwave state.
Tension and stress affect the body’s overall health. Persistent stress can lead to heart attack, stroke, kidney disease and arthritis. Stress is the cause of physical and emotional blockages. VSM decreases the effects of stress on the body and mind.
VSM uses Therapeutic Zen Singing Bowls.
Therapeutic Zen singing bowls are different from the traditional Tibetan bowls because they have a pure tone and strong vibration. The metal mixture is modified to provide an extremely resonant alloy. It has a subdued value and purity of tone.
The different size and tone of bowls are effective at treating different regions of the body. Combining these tones can produce Binural Beats.
Dr. Mitchell Gaynor discovered the healing power of sound and was inspired to use the healing power of sound in his medical practice. Sound can improve your body's capacity effecting immune strength & brainwave patterns, as well as the quality of your daily life.
Sound Healing Session
Guided Sound Healing Meditation: Relax on a yoga mat or seated in a chair. You will be guided in a meditation while listening to crystal Tibetan bowls and kaliski bowls being played. The sound emanating from the crystal singing bowls affects our frequency. It can reduce stress, anxiety, sinuses, and lower blood pressure as well as balancing adrenals and promoting sleep. I’ve been able to relieve sinus congestion, reduce a woman’s Blood Pressure problems, relieve back pain, relieved tooth ache, and relieve my own trigeminal Neuroglial with herbs and sound.
IET (Integrated Energy Therapy) is a Gentle therapeutic touch therapy to certain acupressure points on the body. It will serve to remove emotional trauma and energy blocks deep in the body's tissues. With IET we begin to release the past, live in the present and align with our soul's purpose. By focusing angelic energy through touch, we release our suppressed cellular memories and transform our lives.
Raindrop Therapy - Essential Oils are dropped onto the spine, and then gently feathered in and massaged. Serves to detoxify and boost immune system (Better than a flu shot!) In ancient times, the Egyptians, Greeks and Romans understood the healing properties of aromatherapy and touch and saw how they played an important role in every day health. Today, the use of essential oils has come back to mainstream complimentary medicine to help us regain health and vitality.
Massage stimulates the immune system, helps to increase circulation, reduces stress, increases joint mobility, helps removes waste from the body, and increases the flow of blood and oxygen to the massaged area. I specialize in massage for individuals with Fibromyalgia.
Reiki is a hands on holistic healing technique that creates deep relaxation and relieves stress and pain. I practice Usui, Kundalini Reiki and Johrei. Johrei helps eliminate toxins and focuses on the kidneys which are related to many illnesses in the body.
Healthy Alternatives offers Sound Healing, Guided Sound Meditation, Therapeutic Massage, IET (Integrated Energy Therapy), Raindrop Therapy, ART (Allergy retraining technique), Reiki, and Bio-Mat Therapy. Healthy Alternatives is owned by Carol Scheg-Morissette a Licensed Massage Therapist, Certified Herbalist / Aromatherapist, and Licensed Cosmetologist.
I opened Healthy Alternatives because I wanted to help others take their health back naturally like I did. I suffered from hypoglycemia, esonophilic esophagitis, anemia, fibromyalgia, degenerative disc condition, ischemia, vertigo and IBS. (I was on Viox, valium, previcid, guifenisen steroid inhalers, ect.) I eliminated my prescription drugs with alternative health care. In 2003 I was having trouble with my esophagus. In 2004 my esophagus collapsed. I was unable to eat or drink thick liquids and had difficulty breathing. Milk was too thick to swallow. My esophagus would not stay open. In 2006 it stayed open but I had lost the ability to move food down the esophagus. I had motility damage. With the Ningxia Red juice, essential oils, Reiki, Raindrop Therapy, allergy elimination and prayer, I regained my health and my ability to swallow and eat. I feel compelled to help others Heal Naturally “If you don’t have your health you really don’t have a life!” I vowed to help others achieve health by offering the modalities that helped me regain my health.
Monday 9:00 AM - 7:00 PM By Appointment
Tuesday 9:00 AM - 7:00 PM By Appointment
Wednesday 9:00 AM - 7:00 PM By Appointment
Thursday 9:00 AM - 7:00 PM By Appointment
Friday 9:00 AM - 7:00 PM By Appointment
Saturday 9:00 AM - 7:00 PM By Appointment
Sunday Closed
Additional hours available by appointment, call or text (585) 663-6454
Door will be locked if we are in a session. Please call (585) 663-6454 & we will open for you to shop
Certified Vibrational Sound Massage
Sound Healing with Singing Crystal Bowls
Guided Meditations
Integrated Energy Therapy
Reiki Master Teacher
Usui Shiki Ryoho Reiki
Kundalini Reiki Master
Licensed Cosmetologist (Natural Hair Color)
Certified Herbalist / Aromatherapist
Licensed Massage Therapist
Allergy Retraining Technique (A.R.T.)
BioMat Therapy
Ionic Foot Detox
facial and body wraps
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Thank you for choosing Healthy alternatives Wellness Center!
Carol Scheg-Morissette LMT A.A.S
(585) 663-6454
Healthy Alternatives
4358 Culver Rd
Rochester, NY 14622
These techniques do not claim to treat, cure or prevent any disease, nor is it intended to replace proper medical care or common sense. Consult with the health professional of your choice. A healthy body is the result of a well-rounded program of exercise and proper diet.
According to the government we are no longer allowed to use the words heal, cure or treat etc. I'm at a loss for words so feel free to replace these words with any feel good word of your choice. I'm exercising my right to free speech under the First Amendment by sharing my opinion of healing modalities that are not backed up scientific evidence, FDA or the drug companys. The only person who can heal you is yourself. As always don't do anything without the advice of your doctor, pharmacist or drug company. All information is intended for entertainment purpose only.